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Tag: Computer science

The sixth generation of computers

The sixth generation of computers: The extent of technological progress is often determined and defined by the term "generation". Every year, improving product development...

A beginners guide to buying a desktop computer

Sure, people aren't camping outside stores in the rain to get the latest and greatest desktop computer these days, but personal computers are far...

Does the computer work slow? Heal faster

Slow OS computers are a problem that virtually every computer member faces using the community. If...

Interested in agile software development? 5 conditions you should know about agile programming

Agile software development is an important common way to create custom software. Through the Agile Development...

Take advantage of the “wired” court reporter

(The original article was published in a Milwaukee legal article in 2002. The footnote below is...

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Case Studies

Compass Music Platform

A clothing brand wanted to launch a new e-commerce website that would allow customers to browse and purchase their products online. We developed a...

NewsWeek Magazine

A clothing brand wanted to launch a new e-commerce website that would allow customers to browse and purchase their products online. We developed a...

Beauty & Makeup Shop

A clothing brand wanted to launch a new e-commerce website that would allow customers to browse and purchase their products online. We developed a...