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Tag: computer application

The best programmable laptops

The standard laptop doesn't look the way it was before, with dozens of convertible designs rethinking...

Programming migration path

While preparing some personal background information for a potential client, I was reviewing all the programming...

Solve Sudoku using integer programming

A 9 X9 Sudoku puzzle has the following rules. Each row and column must have numbers...

Drag and drop programming

This article discusses how dragging and dropping programming and other forms of interactive software development can...

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How to Change WordPress SMPT To Gmail or Google Work Space

Let's learn How to Change WordPress SMPT To Gmail...


Newslodge - What they said in there about company ",...


Gospelmetrics - What they said in there about company "Welcome...

Juga Nigeria

Juga Nigeria What they said in there about company "Welcome...

WordPress Plugin That Gives Free SSL Certificate – Step By Step Installation Guide

Securing your WordPress website with an SSL certificate is...

Case Studies

Compass Music Platform

A clothing brand wanted to launch a new e-commerce website that would allow customers to browse and purchase their products online. We developed a...

NewsWeek Magazine

A clothing brand wanted to launch a new e-commerce website that would allow customers to browse and purchase their products online. We developed a...

Beauty & Makeup Shop

A clothing brand wanted to launch a new e-commerce website that would allow customers to browse and purchase their products online. We developed a...