Computer network is a combination of two layers. On the one hand, there is the actual link that is referred to as the hardware, and on the other hand, you have the data or the logical layer referred to as the program. Electronic signals are transmitted across physical layers or hardware layers that act as a path across a computer network. In the data or logical layer, the protocols or rule groups that govern the way devices communicate with each other in a network are set according to Ethernet standards. Therefore, the Ethernet cable is a key component of the computer network physical hardware (hardware).
Ethernet standards
The hardware or physical layer continues to evolve as a result of new and constantly evolving improvements to Ethernet standards. Coaxial cables were once the norm in older Ethernet groups while fiber optic or twisted pair cables are now standard. Since these are the most commonly used cable types now, an Ethernet cable is the term used to describe these optical fiber cables or these newer paired cables. These twisted pair cables are commonly referred to as Category 5 or Cat 5 cables.
Cat 5 Cable Structure
The Cat 5 cable has 8 wires grouped in four pairs and made of 24k copper inside the casing or casing. The name "twisted pair" is derived from the fact that each pair of these wires is twisted around each other while there are usually three turns made per inch of wire used in an Ethernet cable. This helps reduce the amount of interference to the external source signal caused by fluorescent lights or radio signals. It also helps reduce cross talk caused by other wire pairs. At each end of the cable, there is usually an 8-Position / 8-contact connector referred to as an 8P8C connector.
Cat 5 Cable Function
The Cat 5 Ethernet cable is classified as "cross" or "direct". Although the intersection setting is usually used to connect a computer to a number of other computers on the network, the cable sockets can be set up for an intersection or to receive a straight type of cable. On a closing note, the newest models, router, and switches currently available on the market today are able to automatically change between intersection and direct setup. This eliminates the need to use two separate Cat 5 cables.