EasyLanguage, created by TradeStation Securities more than 20 years ago, is a programming language used to trade stocks, EFTs and other similar products. The language is used to create indicators specific to financial charts and to create algorithmic trading strategies for different markets.
EasyLanguage has many advantages over other similar programming languages. Unlike other languages used in financial market trading sectors, such as FORTRAN, it is easy to learn this language which is designed for use by traders without computer and programming knowledge. Language commands are simple enough that a person who is not trained in computer programming can know the purpose of a line of code function with minimal training and perhaps only a reference book to use as a guide. Using simple English instead of code means that companies that use the language should spend less time and resources training their merchants, which translates in the long run to greater profit.
Although the language was designed by TradeStation, other trading platforms quickly acquired the language and started supporting the scripts written in it and increasing compatibility with the scripts written by TradeStation. Other high-end automatic trading platforms contain, to varying degrees, linguistic elements similar to TradeStation.
Although a person can define unique and unique functions within a language, most people are not expected to do so. In this way, the language functions as a logical programming language instead of a functional programming language.
Since it is so simple to learn, language is very popular with traders. As a result, a quick search on the Internet will show that many tutorials and text repositories are available for those looking to learn how to use the language. In addition, there are many communities and forums devoted to the language, so the help is not very far if someone stumbles in trying to get the language to do the required job. There are also many books available to help developers who often deal with great details about the language.
Another advantage is that the language has longevity and compatibility. Since the language has existed for more than 20 years, it has been trusted in the financial community and has shown that it will not move anywhere soon. As a result, it has become widespread and many competing languages, such as MultiCharts' PowerLanguage, which is a private language, have taken steps to ensure it has some compatibility and ability to interact with the solemn language.
Although the language is powerful, it has flaws. Since the language is designed for use by end users who are not necessarily programmers, it can sometimes be difficult to get the language to perform tasks outside of normal operating standards. This can be overcome in various ways of scripting, but it is not a general programming language. In this way, the strength of language is also its weakness.